August is upon us! A new month brings a new allotment of spending money. Granted, this is a very small amount so I have to make it last. But just for fun, here is a list of things I am saving up for. 1. a wireless Mighty Mouse! (
2. Frasier Season 8
3. a shade for our kitchen window*
4. a couple nice skirts for work*
5. a sewing machine
6. The Return of the King on audio CD
7. An assortment of books, CDs, and movies (Amazon Wishlist)
8. a haircut*
9. WoW Expansion Pack (not out yet) - if you don't know what this is, don't ask.
10. a Mac laptop
11. a tiny cell-phone
12. a tiny PDA
OK, that was fun. Those with * beside them are probably ones I will get this month. The rest will have to wait for later months. And numbers 10-12 are just distant dreams.
Disclaimer: This post is in no way a hint to any readers. It is simply me wanting to take my mind off the events of the day.